
Potatoman Seeks the Troof

Platform: PC / Mac
Genre: Platformer
Developer: Pixeljam
Release Date: Dec. 18 2012
Website: pixeljam.com/potatoman
Regular Price: $3.00 USD
     The troof hurts! It stings like a jumping cactus in July. Potatoman Seeks the Troof will not only find new and interesting ways to murder you, but it will do so in such a way that you can be sure to never make the same mistake twice. This is not the easiest game I've reviewed as I have yet to make it past what I think I can call "Level 2." Though admittedly not quite as frustrating as say... Super Meat Boy or I Wanna be The Guy, it certainly will feel that way at times and I would group this into the same sub-genre of shall we say "balls-to-the-wall difficult platformers." Yep, that's what I'm calling it. 

     The overall flow of the game is smooth indeed and the story unfolds as you play your way through. The graphics take me back to my 
youth when I would spend my time sitting in the basement with my Atari 2600. To that end the controls are a bit stiff, but I wouldn't want it any other way. If it's Atari graphics your after then by all means emulate the feel as well I say!

     Next I want to introduce you to the launch trailer. There is no game play at all, which I would normally consider to be a bad thing. That being said, this trailer is so damn funny I honestly don't give a damn. Behold!

...if you're still confused I suggest watching it again and again and possibly one more time. I love the... I guess I'll call it "Grapes of Wrath Speak?" 

I have no idea...

However, if it is indeed game play you're looking for... you can find it below.

All in all I would say this game is well worth the measly 3.00 dollar price tag that comes with it. It's not always easy and it can certainly be frustrating at times. These truths being self evident, it is always a lot of fun. Okay, we're done here.

--LUke OUt!

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